Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 18th, 2010

Wednesday! Smack dab in the middle of the work week. Blargh.

Nothing new has happened today, but I did have a very interesting conversation with a friend about faith. ^__^

I did find little mold specks on my sponge cake though! T_____T I tried to pluck them out but then I found a few inside too. SEOTSED! I had to throw it away.

I can't wait till the weekend, and Monday! For once (I hope) it will not be a dreaded monday.

I hope to hit up the beach this weekend (and every weekend!), relax and have some fun with friends. Then Monday is my first day of school, and I get to go to dinner at Shokudo with some old co-workers! I am excited!

Damn, it's still Wednesday. I got ahead of myself there. I still gotta get through Thursday and Friday. Booooo.

Random thought of the day: "If 'nyaa' = 'meow', 'RAWR' = 'NYAAR'?" hahaha. Good times.


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