Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 5th, 2010

First, and foremost...
I hope you have a great day! :)
Other than that, not much is happening on this cold Thursday (although I am seeing a little sun now).
Today is also payday for me, and that's always nice. Naturally with payday, I get major urges to SHOP, SHOP, SHOP. I really want this Motorola T505 Bluetooth handsfree speaker set (mainly to use it as an FM transmitter to play my MP3's through Mazzie's audio system). I miiiiiight get it. But i've gotta get a few gifts for other people too.
Augh, I've been insanely addicted to Typing of the Dead. We actually have the real game at home on the Wii, which is fun in itself, but i'm just no good at aiming I guess. But I do type fast! Wewt for game spin offs! :D
Last night I found out some great news that I will eventually share, but not just yet. I've gotta prepare for it ;D
August To Do:
1. Buy Schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai
Have a great day!

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