Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 12th, 2010


I am indeed asleep sitting up with my eyes open, and interacting with my computer.

Besides that fact, I am having a pretty decent morning. Becky came over last night (I swear, she just KNOWS when we are having a vegetarian dinner lol), and we stayed up talking till around 11. As a person that usually sleeps around 9:30pm, 11pm is pretty late for a work night. But it was fun.

I'm looking forward to lunch today (vegetarian lasagna leftovers with some garlic french bread, and i have pistachios, almonds, and cashews for a snack, along with kettle corn yum). I am also looking forward to ending work, so I can pick up Kelli and deliver her present to her! I worked really hard on decorating her card, which I shall post up tomorrow probably.

It looks like a gorgeous day today though! I wish I was at the beach. I have plans for a special rendezvous with my beach spot this weekend. ^_~ I wish the weekdays would go by faster, and the weekends would SLLLOOOOOWWWW down. I'm sure once school starts, I will feel like I never have enough time.

Well that's pretty much all for me today, see you tomorrow~


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