Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 3rd, 2010

Good Morning! I am pumped this morning!

I don't know why, but this morning my brain is working on overdrive. I have all this inspiration to write, and I don't know why. I think it may have been because I was reading a lot of essays before I went to sleep last night. I love the "Twentysomething essays by Twentysomethings" book. I hope to be in it someday (if they decide to gather a new bunch).

Anyway, it got me to thinking... am I special? Harharhar, insert cheesy "Special Ed" joke here. But really? Am I MORE special than the person next to me? Do I have more potential, or strife than the person down the block? I suppose not. But there are only a few people that can fit in those spots; not everyone can be a true leader, or revolutionary. Is that where I fit? Can that be learned? Can that be helped?

I want to know if I was meant to change people. Do I have the potential to change people outside of my circle of family and close friends? I know that I have played a role in their lives, as they have mine. But is it possible that I can someday walk into a room, and tweak the perception of a certain topic in those people's minds? Can I be that person you want to know more about?

I am thinking of trying an experiment. I am going to take a month off from TV (other than the news!), Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I am going to see how productive I am, if any at all. I can read books, watch the news, read articles/blogs online, check email, chat, and blog. I'm hoping this will help me to getThat's it! This will be a good prep for school, anyway.

I'm not sure when i'm going to start this. Maybe soon, maybe next week. I don't know. It's a huge thing for me, because I am connected 24/7! We'll see, we'll see.

Hope everyone has a great day =)

Whoops! Edit:

August To-Do
1. Buy schoolbooks
2. Work on website
3. Buy popsicle sticks
4. Go shopping for a computer
5. Buy some school supplies
6. Buy Becky and Kelli's Birthday gifts
7. Read through at least one peice of classic literary fiction before school starts
8. Revert necessary blog entries to private on older blog
9. Transfer all files off of laptop and onto hard drive
10. Go through all videos and delete/edit/upload
11. Donate items
12. Fix up lanai
13. Buy comfy lawn chairs for lanai


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