Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SEOTS Entry No. 4: Sometimes, Having That Extra X Chromosome Sucks

I know everyone's heard this at least once. Women constantly complaining about their monthly whatevers, being bitchy, wah wah-wah wah wah wah wah. That's what men hear anyway. Well that's what I THINK men hear, because I am a woman, and do not have male ears. Anywho, I CAN, however, accurately submit testimony to the daily womanly battles.

1) The Period.
Yeah, this is the focal point of every woman's demise. We BLEED. WE bleed. WE BLEED. From our VAGINA. When men bleed from their urethra, they go see a doctor because something is seriously wrong. When we bleed, (copiously, might I add) we just have to suck it up (not literally, ew) and plaster on that smile and pretend like we are not BLEEDING HEAVILY from concealed areas. But no, no, no, no, no, GOD FORBID if we get a little short tempered or emotional, because we have 958451283764 things to do, and on top of that we are dealing with bloating, menstrual cramps, and bleeding. Being a woman really sucks sometimes.

2) Money.
Okay, these things cost some serious CASH. We've got to buy bras and underwear first of all, and they are quite expensive. Also consider makeup, pantyhose, heels, different kinds of clothes and accesories, lingerie... etc. Tampons are about $6 a box and on average, I'd say a woman goes through about 3/4ths to a whole box in one menstrual cycle. Now this is actually rare, because many women go back and forth between pads and tampons. A package of pads are around teh same price, so you're up to $12. BUT WAIT! You can't just use regular tampons and pads the whole time. You've gotta get heavy and light ones too. So not it's $24, AND then add the cost of pantiliners too. We're up to $29, but no, no, no, it doesn't stop there. Got cramps? Need medicine! A box of Midol is around $8, not to mention a diuretic if you've got some serious bloating. We're now up to $40! Not to mention all the ruined underwear and chocolate consumed. The list goes on forever. Now the tampons and pads should last a while, so the prices may vary from month to month. BUT compared to the men's total of... $0 for this topic, it's way more expensive to be a girl.

So, because our anatomy just happens to be inside and partially outside, women are more prone to get infections and such. STDs, UTIs, and other bacterial or fungal infections are common with women, especially if sexually active. Not to mention the Human Papilloma Virus, that can be transmitted through semen. Thanks guys, rub salt in our wounds, why don't you? It's pretty common to get at least one type of infection in your life in that area, especially if you wear tight, non-breathable undies, or keep your bathing suit on after swimming (who doesn't do that once in a while?). On top of that, most of the medications to treat these infections cost a lot of money (ESPECIALLY if you don't have medical insurance). We also have more serious things like ovarian and uterine cancers and other syndromes and diseases that may screw up your lady bits (granted, we don't have prostates, which mean no prostate cancer, so that's the male equivalent I guess). Also, once you turn 18 or become sexually active, you have to start seing a Gynecologist yearly. Don't WORRY it will be SO FUN that you'll want to go again and again. Believe me? You'll get to experience the cold room, the paper thin gown, the self-conscious doubt, the COLD duck lips contraption, the strange, slippery fingers poking and prodding, the unwanted, UNCOMFORTABLE pressure, and the feeling that you've been professionally violated while they give you a tissue to wipe up afterward. Oh yes, this will be SO much fun. And on top of that, when you get a little older, they stick your breasts into a contraption that flattens them to pancake proportions and you question whether or not it will hurt more to have small boobs or big boobs in this machine. YAAAAY.

4) Another obvious one: Unwanted pregnancy.
Yep, that's right kiddos. If you are sexually active, it's not the man who gets pregnant, has to deal with 9 months of alien-esque body control, morning sickness, or aversions to smells. It's WOMEN. Now, this is a back and forth thing, many women enjoy their pregnancies, but it does take a toll on the body. Once you get pregnant, you're body chemistry will never be the same. Sure you could get in shape, and be healthier than ever before, but your body will not go back to pre-pregnancy make up. Not to mention your boobs stretch and deflate, which can be a real problem amongst women that want to be a post-pregnancy MILF, or at least have better self esteem about their fun bags. Not to mention there are some serious risks with labor, like oh um, DEATH, or profuse bleeding, and internal trauma, etc. Also, pregnancy from rape is a sad, but true issue. That's like physical and emotional rape that lasts for 9+ months, and then you have these uncomfortable options on what you want to do with the life form that you unwillingly created.

5) Society's "Rules".
Here's where the feminism kicks in. So, women are still expected to clean, cook, watch after children, not be more successful than men, not make more money than men, not be as cutthroat in the business industry than men, and basically bow down to men. Well, not in the 21st century, let me tell you that. I am not disuputing the fact of our historical past; That the woman's basic and natural programming is to be the caregiver in the home. Understandable. The men are naturally programmed to hunt and protect. Okay. However, you are telling me that with all the technological advances and evolution of the human race, that genders are not allowed to switch roles? Give me a break. Men don't HUNT anymore (unless it's for fun... or sex), they drive through McDonalds to eat their prey. The most that men will ever protect us from in normal circumstances are bugs and rodents maybe (and damnit, I think it is programmed in women to hate bugs, scream and run away). So what are women still held up to this stigma of being the homemaker? This is the biggest double standard between genders. Women are = (or >) to Men (and before the SUPER feminist man hater steps in, remember that it works both ways. Men are also = (or SOMETIMES >) Women). We need to remember this equation, and make this world an equal place for all genders.

So, go ahead and dispute it; I'm sure men have the answers to counter every one of these facts. I am just merely stating that women generally have a lot of stuff going on, and much of it has to do with the fact that we are women. Oh, genetics, when will you stop torturing us? Never? Never.

However, there are good things from being a woman. A lot of women enjoy the fact that they have uteruses, because I hear birth is a very natural feeling (don't expect me to lick my newborn baby though), and many women enjoy it (that Duggar lady!). I'm sure I won't fully understand until I give birth to a child (if I ever have children). We also get to wear really cute outfits, AND we can wear guys clothes and have it still be socially acceptable, compared to vice versa (although the LBGT community is very welcoming, i'm sure). We also have a reason once a month to be lazy and bitchy (girls, you know you may have fibbed once or twice about the severity of your period... "Oh, honey, i'm so tired, i've got cramps, can you do the dishes?" or have used the line "I'm sorry for snapping, I have my period."). Some of us also have boobs that are very fun to play with (in a non-sexual way), because they can be used as bongoes, or even a place to stick your phone, wallet, keys, umbrella, etc.

Just like the rest of life, it's a give and take system. If only it could be less bloody.



  1. We bleed every month & still live! If that's not a sign of superiority IDK what is.

    Also pads & tampons in bulk at Costco are a lifesaver.

  2. I actually learned in my History class that because women have menstrual cycles every month (versus every 5 years like other primates) WE are responsible for the developmental jump of the human race being able to procreate every 9 months or so. Hah. Boo yah.

    See, i'd buy tampons from Costco/Sam's Club but they come in that stupid variety set that comes with those "light" ones. I hate those. I don't use them. So i'd essentially be paying for something I don't use. Walmart it is for me then. =P
