Friday, August 20, 2010

The Daily Pink!: August 20th, 2010

TGIFTGIFTGIFTGIFTGIFTGIF!!!!!!! (lol, that looks like gift gift gift)

Happy Aloha Friday Everyone! It's my favorite day of the week! So much to look forward to!

This is the last weekend before the school semester starts for me. I can't believe i'm going back to school... it's a love-hate relationship I suppose.

Anywho, this morning a roach decided it wanted to celebrate my friday with me. EW. So this morning I had to declare war on the unwanted intruder, so I sent Michael after it. ^_^ I'm a girl afterall, and I am decidely powerless against nasty insects. Guh. After a few failed attempts, he finally nabbed the sucker behind the couch. Roach-san, you've been PWNED. I also sprayed some windex on it's wiggling feet just to make sure it was double PWNED.

But, then my coworker brought me some yummies from Lox-Of-Bagels. OM NOM NOM. AND she's getting me Kaka'ako kitchen for breakfast! Oishi~desu ne~~

I am determined to make it a GREAT weekend. I'm kicking it off with going back to school shopping with a friend tonight!

Weekend Plans:
Friday night - Back to School Shopping
Saturday - BEACH/whatevers
Sunday - Grocery Shopping?/Clean/Relax/Pamper

Sweeet. Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!


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